Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tool #11

Digital Citizanship is very important and we need to start to teach that to the students when they are very young. So many kids are using computers, Ipod, game stations or other ways to access the internet and the potential for problems is huge. I am going to be working with younger kids - age 7 or younger. I think that some of the videos would be a good introduction to them start thinking beyond what they see in their first searches. They need to learn to think it though and not just accept everything as the truth or that it is OK for them to be looking at it. They need to learn to protect themselves and never give out personal information and they need to start learning about privacy settings. The students need to be monitored while they are using the computer to make sure that are not accessing undesirable sites but also having things like cyperbullying going on.
So my three things for being a good cyber citizens are:
1. Don't share your private information on the internet.
2. Realize that just because you find it on the internet does not make the information necessary correct.
3. Think through whatever you are seeing and ask your teacher if you are not sure what to do or what you have found. Learn to work with websites that your teacher or district have provided so that you will hopefully know that you are getting good information.
They will need to be reminded frequently on what it means to be a good digital citizen.

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